First of all I'd like to say a big thank you to TC over on reikiblogger for asking me to write a guest post there. I feel very honoured to be asked to write something for another blog, especially one I like as much as that!
Secondly I'd like to offer a big thank you to those of you who have recently joined me here, reading about my life and leaving lovely comments on my blog! It is lovely to see you here and lovely to get an email saying someone has left a comment.
Right, now for a little rambling about my day yesterday - what a day that was!
Usually, when I am on an 8am start I have to catch the bus at 7am and so set my alarm for 5-5:30am. This often gets a "why?!" response from most people lol. But what you have to understand about me is that I absolutely hate to be rushed! I love getting up and having a good hour or two to wake up properly, have a good breakfast, check my emails, have a shower, maybe try and exercise or meditate (although those last two somehow always seem to be missed out!). Setting my alarm for 5am (and then another for 5:30am) means that if I want to lie in bed and relax I can do so, knowing I have plenty of time and that my second alarm clock will wake me up if I fall back to sleep again!
This didn't happen yesterday! In the process of clearing out and tidying my room I seem to have misplaced my mobile phone - which I use primarily as an alarm clock!! I am beginning to wonder if maybe I threw it out by mistake?! Anyway, I don't miss the phone part too much, but the alarm bit certainly was helpful.
So, yesterday I woke up suddenly of my own accord at 4am and thought 3 hours was a bit too much time to give myself as I needed the sleep. So I fell back to sleep until my alarm went off at 5am... and then I fell back to sleep to wake up at 7:15!!! Eeeek! I jumped out of bed, grabbed my clothes, cleaned my teeth and ran out the door to catch the bus! After a frantic start and panicking about getting to work on time (remember I have no phone so couldn't call them to let them know I'd be late - and I've already overslept once since I started working there - whoooops) I finally got to work just 5 minutes late - thank you to those who heard my prayers and got me there almost on time!!
When I got to work I was immediately sent down to unit 4 - the toddler room, because like the day before, they didn't have enough staff and so I was sent to cover until someone else's shift started. I then returned to my unit (number 2) to hear I'd be spending the day again in unit 1. I don't mind being in unit 1 so much because it is still in the same room as my unit and I can easily look over the partition and see them :o) I was also asked if I would do some overtime to cover people off sick and of course, needing the money I said yes - so I worked from 8:05 til 5:30 yesterday. Not too bad, really, and I get the extra pay I desperately need right now to make ends meet - but having had to eat a very unhealthy breakfast on the bus, it took me til after lunch (chicken and mushroom, potatoes and broccoli - yum!) to really come round to the world lol!
So you see - those two hours in a morning make such a difference for me - the chance to eat a big bowl of porridge and have a mug of hot water and wake up to the world. I chance to peacefully ease myself into the day rather than rushing around and panicking. And more than that, the chance to have two hours to myself when nobody else is up and about and it is just me and the world before I have to go out and face whatever the day throws at me. I am so glad I got up on time today!!
Thursday, 18 January 2007
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I hate getting up in the morning. But I do enjoy the peace of it when I'm the first one up. Same goes for nighttime though, when they are all in the bed and the house is so quiet.
One thing I like about reading blogs written by people from other countries is that they sometimes throw in words we don't really use in the porridge. I've only ever heard that word used when hearing the story about the three bears and Goldilocks.
I totally know where you're coming from with the rushing. I hate to rush, but it seems like I always am.
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