Tuesday, 19 December 2006

Spending Christmas Alone...

I made a massive decision yesterday - I'm not going home for Christmas! This will be the first time I haven't spent Christmas at my parents ever. I had been unsure as to whether I would travel home for the holidays earlier in the year but had eventually decided that it just wouldn't be Christmas without popping home. However I am still feeling really ill and am struggling to keep going so I decided I would be daft to use 2 of my 4 days off travelling just so I could go home for Christmas.

Not just that, I would have to battle with the other communters returning home for Christmas on the trains (which I have done before and is perfectly ok when you feel well but not when you're ill) and then if I did go home I'd feel obliged to meet all my friends and family and I wouldn't get a rest at all. This way I get 4 days to just take it easy and try and get my body to heal itself.

I know my decision doesn't seem very festive - and for the biggest Christmas girl I know this is a shocking decision - but it just makes so much sense and I actually don't feel very Christmassy anyway - not this year :o(

I'm ok with my decision - it makes sense and I am really looking forward to just being able to relax and be quiet and not have to work to timetables and things. I'm also going to be having Christmas dinner alone which suits me fine because the way I've been feeling recently I'm not really gonna want to eat much at all anyway! Saves me feeling guilty about not eating the food someone else has taken the time to prepare!

So all in all it's a good decision - though slightly sad. I knew the day had to come when I spent my first Christmas away from home. I considered doing it a couple of years ago when I went to Germany but decided I really wanted to come home for Christmas. So it's another one of those steps from being little me to grown up me.

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