Thursday, 29 January 2009

Update on appointment

Well my appointment went as well as we could have hoped - apart from the fact we took a bus for an hour to get to the hospital, got there half an hour early, then had to wait because the clinic was running 90 minutes late and then have a quick lunch and get an hour's bus back. We were out of the house for 5 hours for a 2 minute appointment lol Incidentally, the last time I took a bus to the hospital I was working at the nursery there (which I left in April 2007) so that was weird - it felt like going back in time!

Anyway, the gynaecologist was lovely and asked me loads of questions about my symptoms and my previous lap (she even asked me what grade of endometriosis I had but I was never told and obviously it was either never noted or got lost between doctors as I have changed 3 times since my last lap). I always wondered how other women knew what grade they had - maybe I'll find out when I go this time. I've been told that all being well it will happen on May 13th. Now I know my last post said I didn't want a lap right now because of how I react to the anaestethic but I spoke to the gynae and she said if I speak to the anaesthetist (is that how you spell that word?) they will try and keep the dose low and make sure I'm as comfortable as can be. Also, with the date being set for May it gives me a couple of months after we move house to get my strength up again and then a couple of months after it to get back on par before going to Italy...

Talking of Italy I am SO scared of flying there - I always felt so dizzy when we travelled by air because of the pressure change and since having the ear infection last summer I still get dizzy when we have a rapid change in air pressure and weather. I also have a mini-phobia of being sick (developed it as a child and although I deal with it most of the time the thought that I could get up in the air and get the vertigo back and be sick the whole journey just fills me with dread). I'm planning on going to see my uncle (who is now a trained hypnotherapist) to see if he can give me some coping strategies... I did ask T if we could go to Italy by train but it looks so expensive I don't think we can afford it :o( even with the added bonus of a day break in Paris on the way and the fact it will, I think, be more environmentally friendly than flying.

But back to the lap... I don't know what they are going to find this time beacause the pain, though more regular than before my previous op, it is not as intense - before I thought I might die from the pain, now I just curl up and cry but can cope with it. Also last time I had heavy bleeding but now I rarely bleed and when I do it is tiny amounts (which makes me hink the mirena is still stopping the lining building up in the womb itself and the pain is coming from implants in the abdomen where the mirena is not affecting hormone wise - does that make sense? They are going to replace my mirena at the time of the lap because it is due to be changed next year anyway and they are hoping that as I had 2 years symptom free with the mirena first time round changing it for a fresh one may help again. Here's hoping...

Anyway - my mum went home today, which was so sad because I have really enjoyed having her down, not jus bcause she heled me pack and supported me today at the hospital, but also because I get to see her so rarely these days and even when I do it is for a few short hours. Having several days with her and being able to show her my workplace and the city I have grown to love has been wonderful. T said she can come and stay anytime in our new house so I hope she will - perhaps if my dad goes away again at the end of the year she might be persuaded to come down on the train again.

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