Sunday, 13 January 2008

Dreams... like the films of our times

Do you ever have dreams that seem as if they should be showing on the movie screen rather than in your own mind? I do!

Let me tell you about last night's dream, because it sure did make me laugh when I woke up...

I was with T (although neither he nor I were who we really are, it truly was like we were playing characters, yet were so in character we forgot we were actually different people, does that make sense?). Our whole reason for being was to stop a wedding which would be happening the next day. Our reasoning? T's father was a mobster and if we didn't stop the wedding his evil plan would come to fruition and we would all suffer for it.

So we were in this massive house and it was the middle of the night before the dreaded day. I don't know what we were going to do exactly, but we were planning something. Then T's aunt arrived and although she was initially oblivious to it all (and we thought she would ruin our whole plan) a strange accident with the way her bed was made up meant that she caught sight of something she shouldn't have done in a room she shouldn't have been able to see into. Suddenly she was our greatest ally and along with some random teenagers (dunno who they were) we set out for the streets.

But before we got there we had to go through a maze of walls and passages, passing through each doorway in the right order - if we didn't the whole thing would turn on us (it was alive!!) Thankfully we made it out on to the streets but we split up and I could not remember where T had parked the car. So I got my phone out to call him, but that was a big mistake!! There were gangs of people, living on the street, under the artificial light that meant that night (which was THEIR time) never came. They saw the mobile and came after us, so we ran back into the maze...

Only to find that T's aunt took a wrong turn and ended up in the lake with pepper on her, pepper which the pirahna/leech type things were attracted to. Oh my, we had but seconds to get her clear...

We saved her and I remember saying "don't you KNOW what will happen if you're not careful?" and we heard the gangsters catching up on us and I panicked and then woke up...

Now, if you're still reading this and haven't thought "what is that girl on?" then congratualtions - you now know just how my crazy little mind works... tune in tomorrow for the next instalment *giggles*

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