Monday, 25 June 2007

Presents - originally posted 19th April

One of the parents at work gave me a card yesterday with a picture of her little boy in. Oh, how I love that little boy, and this was the perfect gift! The card said that if I ever wanted to see him again I was very welcome to go visit him at home - how lovely! His address was attached, so I might just have to keep in touch :o)

It always amazes me how much I doubt myself and the difference I make until someone tells me - and this is usually when I am leaving! It happened in Germany - I was worried the whole time I was there that I wasn't doing a good enough job and yet when I left everybody had nothing but praise to say to me in thanks. It happened again when I worked at the opticians. I think this is the first job I've had where I really never doubted my ability... it's incredible what a difference following your heart makes, isn't it? I have no doubt about what I want to pursue next - my choice is made upon following something which makes my heart sing and my spirit soar! I know I am extremely talented in what I want to do. I also know that what everyone else seems to think I should do would make me entirely unhappy and doubt my ability again. This is perhaps one of the biggest lessons I've learnt in my life - although I can do something it doesn't mean that I should.

So, by following my heart, I no longer need the recognition of my worth but that doesn't mean it isn't wonderful to receive it anyway! The card I received yesterday, the fact that people keep telling me they'll miss me, the insistence that we go out and do something to mark my leaving - all these gestures are happily and gratefully received! How very lucky do I feel right now?!

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