Monday, 9 April 2007

I'm moving

After realising I really like Typepad for my writing blog and as I can have up to three blogs for one set price I thought I may as well move this one over there... I've been wanting to change the focus - make it more positive - for a while now so the change feels good...

You can still post comments etc - no need to register or anything - so I hope to see you over there. I'm still working on the look of it but please come visit me over at the new Dream of Living

1 comment:

Victoria May Plum said...

Hi Amanda,
Thankyou so much for visiting my blog, it is always lovely to hear from new readers.
I hope that you will find some of the blogs from my list enjoyable, and make yourself known to them all.
Great blog, but what about a few photos? just to let us see what you are upto.
Hope to hear from you again soon.
Victoria x