Thursday 30 October 2008

Random Thoughts

Thanks to all of you for adding your comments to my last post - I don't think I've ever received so many comments on one thing before and can I say it's gone to my head - I'm becoming a comment whore!!

I find it quite amusing that so many people responded to one of my random thoughts (and also quite glad to find I'm not alone in my hatred of horror - especially as T spends yet another night watching Dead Set... not so much scary as gruesome! *sighs*)

It also got me thinking - maybe I should write more of these random thoughts down as you obviously all enjoyed the last post more than my usual blatherings - which, may I say, I usually think about hard as to whether they would be interesting or not. Seems I misjudged you all - you're my kinda people - here for those little random thoughts that show we're actually more alike than we might think.

And may I take the time to tell you that my blog would be updated much more frequently if I were to type out a greater percentage of the thoughts I have each day - I just never did as I didn't think they were that interesting to others... usually they just make people laugh and shake their heads at how funny I am (in a weird way). Actually - T finds it funny in a haha funny way :o) I like that about him!

So what do you think? Can you cope with more of my ponderings and observations on life?

1 comment:

Gretel said...

I think you should write what you want to write without worrying what anyone else thinks (I do!) - then it automatically becomes of interest, as you are doing what you believe in, if that makes any sense.

I used to love (if that is the right word) horror, but not the really mindless gory ones. I still quite enjoy a good spooky one, especially if it is well made - I know what you mean about the original 'Ring' - it is one of the creepiest moments I've ever seen. The Japanese make excellent skincrawlers. (If you like hat kind of thing!)